27 Nov09, Friday - Sakutaro, 6" tall, she has on a light blue pearl neckace, string with polyclay flower and a red heart pendant. Sakutaro is made from brown sparse faux fur and leather for her palm and foot pad. She is one who loves travelling around hanging on my girl's big black bag. Hope she has a good time looking at stuff, like my girl????
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Mini Bears
Posted by Bearrie at 11/28/2009 12:37:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mini Bears
Mini Bears
23 Nov09, Monday - Whitley, 5 1/2" tall, made from white sparse faux fur. She has on coloured water pearls and red swarovski crystals for her necklace. Whitley is charming and lovely. She will accompany me around wherever I go : D
Posted by Bearrie at 11/28/2009 12:32:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mini Bears
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hanger Bears (Leather)
Posted by Bearrie at 11/03/2009 12:10:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mini Bears
Monday, August 31, 2009
Gone Golfing Papertole
Gone Golfing is from USA. Paper size 10" x 4". I uses 7 sheets to make it into 3D look. Frame set is more expensive though. The whole completed project cost breakdown at:
7 sheets - S$10.50
Frame - $320.00
Workmanship cost during class: $20 x 10 - $200
Total cost: $530.50
Wow, an expensive hobby for papertole due to the frame. Maybe next time should consider making a smaller one instead.
Posted by Bearrie at 8/31/2009 09:16:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Paper Tole
Bean and his knitted scarf
Bean - 7" tall made from synthetic fur with 100% polyester stuffing and plastic pellets in his tummy. He spotted a pair of glass eyes and is fully screwed/disked jointed for a movable head and limbs. His scraf is knitted to give him the extra unique look.
Posted by Bearrie at 8/31/2009 09:01:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Furry Critters
Honey Bear
Meet Honey - 9 1/2" tall made form synthetic fur. Fully screwed/disked jointed for a movable head and limbs. He has 100% polyester stuffing and plastic pellets in his tummy. He also has a pair of black glass eyes. Isn't he adorable?? Mmm...what's missing is a honey pot for him. Anyone has one to spare?? Maybe should ask Winnie the Pooh?? Born on 29Aug09, Saturday.
Posted by Bearrie at 8/31/2009 08:54:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Furry Critters
Pippy and the Butterfly
Pippy - 10 1/2" tall made from sparse mohair, 100% polyester stuffing with plastic pellets in his tummy. Brown glass eyes with half closed eye-lids. It looks has if he is trying to shoo the blue butterfly away. He has an open mouth with his pink tongue and I did some shading on his paw and pads. Doesn't he looked fun and cute?? He is also fully screwed/disked jointed for a movable head and limbs. Born on 29Aug09, Saturday.
Posted by Bearrie at 8/31/2009 08:31:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Furry Critters
Hugs of Bears
Posted by Bearrie at 8/31/2009 08:24:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Furry Critters
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sugar Almond Cookies
60 gm (1/4 cup) butter
60 gm (1/3 cup) icing sugar
1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
90 gm (2/3 cup) plain flour
1 tbsp finely chopped blanched almonds
To finish: icing sugar
- in medium bowl - cream butter and sugar until fluffy.
- add egg yolk and vanilla, mix in flour slowly.
- mix in almonds into batter and blend thoroughly. form into a ball and chill for 1/2 to 1 hour.
- Preheat oven to 180 deg. grease a baking sheet.
- Roll pastry thinly between sheets of greaseproof paper. Cut dough using cookie cutter and place cookie on prepared baking sheet.
- bake for 10 -1 5 mins or until light golden brown. Cool before storing in a container. Can keep up to 10 days.
Happy Cookie making with your kids. My daugher's favourite! :)
Posted by Bearrie at 8/09/2009 09:31:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cookies
August Furry Bears
Born on 6th August09, Thursday = Siro, 8" long lying down sleeping most of the time. He looks so comfortable. He has polyester filling and pellets for his tummy. His head and limbs are fully jointed with 25 cm disk cotter pins joint. His fur is synthetic fur and he has brown glass eyes. I particularly enjoy making him because of his different position of his arms and legs. Very interesting bear. Will make a bigger one next time.
Posted by Bearrie at 8/09/2009 08:55:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Furry Critters
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Swarovski Crystal Necklace and Earrings
This necklace is made from swarovski pearl and crystal beads. The hook is done in-front so as to showcase the beautiful crafted hook and also for easy wearing. I did this for my girl confirmation this weekend. Will show some pictures next week.
Posted by Bearrie at 7/30/2009 05:52:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: BeadsMaking
Bracelet Watch
Posted by Bearrie at 7/30/2009 05:38:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: BeadsMaking
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Byron Bear
Byron is 7" tall. He is made from a fur I found at ArtsFriend. Don't really like the fur as it kept falling off. He has jointed cotter pins for his limbs and neck. But, I do like his shape though!
Posted by Bearrie at 7/25/2009 06:42:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Furry Critters
Sunday, July 19, 2009
IJ Kellock 45th Anniversary Collector's Bear!
Update on 1st August, 2009 - The 3 sets of auction bears were bought by anonymous bidder for a price of : $1650 - Duchess of Rosaria and Peach Bunny, $500 each for the other 2 sets of bears. Am glad they have found their new home...... This is my last set of bear for the Auction! Hurray! Finally finished it on 24 July 09, friday. Mrs Whitter is 18" tall with a scarf knotted into a rose and has a red ribbon with hearts printed on it pin on her right ear. Eco puppy is 7" by 9" tall when standing on her hind legs. She has on a swarovski pearl with a red heart pendant round her neck. Her 100% cotton cloth has words like " Think Green" or "Save Our Earth" printed on it. They are as adorable as our my other set of bears! don't you think! So, quick go to : http://www.chijkellock.moe.edu.sg/ and bid for them..........before the bidding closes end of this month!

Posted by Bearrie at 7/19/2009 04:14:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: cloth bear
Friday, July 10, 2009
Banana Cake
- 1/2 cup butter
- 2 eggs
- 3 small bananas (mashed in 6 ripe bananas, don't wanna waste them and lazy to make another cake)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
- 50 mil of milk
- 1/2 cup caster sugar
- 1 1/2 cups self-raising flour
- Heat up Oven. Grease 1 large or medium size non-stick pan and sprinkle some flour on it.
- Cream butter, sugar and vanilla using electric whisk.
- Add eggs separately, beating well.
- Mash bananas and add to mixture.
- Dissolve soda in milk. Sift flour and add flour and milk alternately into mixture using a spatula.
- Bake in oven at 180 degC for 15 mins and decrease to 140 degC for the next 30 mins or until cooked. Used a satay stick to insert into the middle of the cake to check. If satay stick comes out wet, then leave a bit longer to cook. If satay stick comes out dry, then your cake is done.
Enjoy your cake making day!!!
Posted by Bearrie at 7/10/2009 07:36:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baked Cake
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Mint Museum@Seah Street
The white Polar bear lookalike is made by Alicia, my bear making teacher while the other one lovingly looking at the smaller bear, well, not sure who did that. Have to wait till August for their grand opening.
Posted by Bearrie at 7/07/2009 10:35:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Furry Critters
Apple Soft Cake
- 170gm butter
- 4 eggs - I put 3 eggs as my eggs are large and didn't know they are double yoke. So ended up with 6 eggs instead
- 170gm icing sugar
- 60gm Apricots jam - pour in 1/2 the jar instead, love apricots jam
- 165gm flour
- 2 tsps baking powder
- 4 granny (green) apples - bought the fuji sara apples, green and red instead, taste sweeter
- Peel apples and remove the hearts, cut them into small cubes. Put some 2 tablespoons or more brown sugar and 1 tablespoon vanilla extract on the apples pieces and mix well. Set aside.
- Heat the oven. Grease the baking pan with butter and flour for the non-stick effect. Use this method if you are using a non-stick pan.
- Whisk butter, icing sugar and jam in a big bowl until mixed. (may include 4 tablespoons of Calvados, apple liqueur, at this stage if you like it.)
- Add eggs one at a time while whisking the batter.
- Add flour and baking powder while still whisking the batter.
- Once batter are mixed well, using spatula, add in the apples. Using spatula, mixed all ingredients together.
- Pour into the greased pan and bake for 15 mins on high at 160 deg and reduce to 140 deg for the next 20 mins. Make sure the cake is on the lower rack of the oven. Check your cake every 15 mins to make sure it is not burnt. Depending on the oven again, do check your oven temperature before baking.
- Once cake done, let it cool before removing from the pan.
- Dust some icing sugar on top of the cake or you may serve them warm with vanilla ice-cream.
Happy Cake Making!!! :)
Posted by Bearrie at 7/07/2009 10:15:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baked Cake
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Mini Bears
My first mini bear (no name yet!) - they are both 3" tall only. My girl want me to make a mini bear for her to hang on her pencil case. So I attempted it. With my long finger nails, well, find it difficult to hold the fabric while sewing it. Hope to make more next time.
Posted by Bearrie at 6/29/2009 11:25:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Mini Bears
Queen Ovidia Bear
Posted by Bearrie at 6/29/2009 11:19:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Furry Critters
Hugs of Bears
Posted by Bearrie at 6/29/2009 09:25:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Furry Critters
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sultana Cheese Cake

Ingredients: (filling)
- preheat oven to 180 deg. Brush a non-stick baking pan of 28 x 18 cm with melted butter and dust with plain flour. This is to prevent the cake from sticking to the pan.
- Sift flour and baking powder into a bowl. Add butter, sugar and custard powder, rub with your fingertips until crumbly. Stir in enough milk to form a soft dough.
- Roll two-thirds of the pastry between 2 sheets of baking paper to make a rectangle large enouge to line the base and sides of the pan. Trim the pastry edges and prick the pastry base randomly with a fork, then bake for 10 minutes. Allow to cool a little.
- Filling - beat cream cheeses, butter and sugar until smooth.
- Add in eggs, juice and rind - beat until combines. Stir in sultanas.
- Pour tin the pan (into the baked pastry). Roll remaining pastry into a long rectangle, then cut into long strips. Lay strips in a lattice pattern over the cheesecake, gently press to the edge of the pastry shell and trim.
- Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until set but not coloured. Leave cake to cool before cutting. May sprinkle with icing sugar before cutting.
Posted by Bearrie at 6/24/2009 06:32:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baked Cake